
The Forgetters


Told in the classic style of Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok creation stories, this book vaults from the sacred time before this time to the recent present and even the near future. Heralded as a “a fine storyteller” by Joy Harjo, Greg Sarris offers us these tales in a new genre of his own making. The Forgetters is an astonishment—comforting and startling, inspiring reveries and deepening our love of the world we share.

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Creative work by Greg Sarris

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The Forgetters

Told in the classic style of Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok creation stories, this book vaults from the sacred time before this time to the recent present and even the near future. Heralded as a “a fine storyteller” by Joy Harjo, Greg Sarris offers us these tales in a new genre of his own making. The Forgetters is an astonishment—comforting and startling, inspiring reveries and deepening our love of the world we share.

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Becoming Story

In Becoming Story he asks: What does it mean to be truly connected to the place you call home—to walk where innumerable generations of your ancestors have walked? And what does it mean when you dedicate your life to making that connection even deeper?

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Watermelon Nights

First published in 1998, Watermelon Nights remains one of the few works of fiction to illuminate the experiences of urban Native Americans and is the only one to depict the historical conditions that shape a tribe’s rural-to-urban migration.

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How A Mountain Was Made

Inspired by traditional Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo creation tales, these stories are timeless in their wisdom and beauty, and because of this timelessness their messages are vital and immediate.

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Grand Avenue

Vibrant with the emotions and realities of a changing world, these narratives—the basis of an HBO miniseries—are all equally stunning and from the heart.

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Enfants D’Elba (Les)

Coincé entre un champ de courses et une route peu fréquentée, South Park est le quartier déshérité de Santa Rosa, en Californie. Ses habitants, des Indiens, des Noirs et des Mexicains, vivent à mille lieues du rêve américain.

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Watermelon Nights

A Native American saga that spans generations chronicles the deep connections among members of Johnny Severe’s family, as his mother’s and grandmother’s pasts retain a fascinating hold over his present.

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Mabel McKay: Weaving the Dream

She spent her life teaching others how the spirit speaks through the Dream, how the spirit heals, and how the spirit demands to be heard.

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The Sound of Rattles and Clappers

In this anthology of poetry and fiction, ten Native Americans of California Indian ancestry illuminate aspects of their respective native cultures in works characterized by a profound love of place and people, as well as by anger over political oppression and social problems.

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Keeping Slug Woman Alive

This remarkable collection of eight essays offers a rare perspective on the issue of cross-cultural communication. Greg Sarris is concerned with American Indian texts, both oral and written, as well as with other American Indian cultural phenomena such as basketry and religion.

Tribal Work

Greg Sarris is currently the Tribal Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria. He is in his sixteenth consecutive elected term as Chairman of the Tribe and is currently leading the Tribe in its economic development endeavors. Greg oversees all business negotiations and the daily operations of the Tribe. Greg spearheaded the effort to build a casino, the Graton Resort and Casino, which opened November 2013. A large portion of the profits from the casino will be given back to the community where it is located, Sonoma County and the City of Rohnert Park, for the preservation of public parks and open spaces, and for the establishment of low-cost organic farming for low income members of the community. Learn more about Greg Sarris and all that he has accomplished for his tribe and community.

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Press: Interviews, Review, Articles

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June 19, 2024

Greg Sarris’ ‘The Forgetters’ reminds audiences stories are lessons, history that can’t be forgotten

Sarris’ latest book, “The Forgetters,” published by Heyday Books, is immediately engaging, a revealing glimpse into the lives, places and heritage of our region’s Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok people, and provocative because, with rich detail and lyrical craft, Sarris calls on us to remember the essential way all humans actually come to understand and value our lives.

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May 29, 2024

Greg Sarris on Tribal Leadership and a Sense of Belonging

Sarris became active in tribal politics in the 1990s and, in 2000, was instrumental in obtaining federal recognition for The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria. He subsequently led the effort to build the Graton Resort and Casino in Sonoma County, which opened in 2013.

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May 23, 2024

‘Against all odds’: Sarris speaks on storytelling

“We’re complicated people who suffered a traumatic history, but we have humor and dignity and against all odds,” Greg Sarris M.A. ’81, Ph.D ’89 said to an audience of over 100 people at an event celebrating his new book “The Forgetters” Tuesday night at Cemex. “The Forgetters” follows the conversations between two sister crows, Question Woman and Answer Woman, in a dialogue-driven narrative. Question Woman cannot remember a story until she asks for it to be told, and Answer Woman cannot tell stories unless she is asked. The sisters tell the stories of The Forgetters, people who have forgotten their past.

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May 22, 2024

Storytellers share histories in Greg Sarris's 'The Forgetters'

Greg Sarris lives in Sonoma County. His collection of stories, The Forgetters, came out on April 16th, 2024.

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April 6, 2024

Greg Sarris on Writing to Remember Our Responsibility To Each Other

Greg Sarris’s gritty, dramatic, and innovative novel-in-stories, Grand Avenue, follows the exploits of members of an urban Native American community in Santa Rosa, Northern California, (as does the HBO miniseries based on the book, which he wrote and executive produced with Robert Redford). Watermelon Nights, his next book of fiction, is the multigenerational tale of the survivors of a small California tribe– almost extinct by the beginning of the twentieth century–who struggle to reclaim federal recognition in the 1990s.

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+1 877-973-4640